YOU are what YOU eat . . . but YOU are also what YOU apply to your skin
Our skin is the largest organ of our body.
It acts as our protector and filter from the pollutants of the outside world.
At the same time, it allows us to absorb things into our body, for better or for worse, and we begin to see why we should pay close attention to the soaps, lotions, deodorants, toothpaste, and powders we use on our skin every day. We tend to forget that the things we put on our body have a direct, lasting impact on our health.
The average woman uses 12 toiletries every day and applies more than 175 chemical compounds to her body in the process. And men are not off the hook either. When you think of cosmetics, you may think of facial makeup, lipstick, mascara, etc., but the broad definition of cosmetics includes deodorants, hair colorings, shaving creams and soaps, toothpaste, and bath products, including shampoos.
Even top name brands for babies and children, including shampoos, baby powders, and bubble baths, are packed full of harmful chemicals.
The Cancer Prevention Coalition suggests to avoid harmful chemical ingredients.