За нас

За нас

Не ми е потребна друга инспирација освен онаа која ми ја пружа природата. Таа сеуште не ме иневерила…  – Ганди Ние сме луѓе кои го практикуваат природен начин на правење на нештата и често се сомневаме дека човечкиот “прогрес“ се движи во...

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Vegetable Oils

Vegetable Oils

AVOCADO OIL Easily absorbed by the skin, it is reached in essential fatty acids, proteins, minerals, beta carotene, and vitamin E. It’s recommended for dry, dull, dehydrated, aging skin and eczema. Avocado oil is the natural protector of UV...

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Essential Oils

Essential Oils

Naturally cultivated and steam distilled, these pure oils are extracted from the leaves, flowers, roots, seeds, berries, and fruits of various herbs, shrubs, and trees. For years they have been used to make the finest perfumes and toiletries, but...

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Herbal Additions

Herbal Additions

ALOE VERA Remedy for minor burns, sunburn, cuts, grazes, and skin inflammations. Fresh leaves can be split and applied directly to wounds and inflammations. Softening, healing, anti-phlogistic. Aloe Vera penetrates into the deeper layers of the...

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Our Ingredients

Our Ingredients

WHAT WE USE The main ingredients of LaSoy products are pure vegetable oils – (olive oil, shea butter, coconut oil, cocoa butter…). We only use food grade oils that nourish your skin. By blending various oils, we craft a perfect moisturizing...

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What is Aromatherapy? Aromatherapy is the art and practice of using essential oils extracted from aromatic plants and herbs to enhance health, beauty and well being. Using certain essential oils we can treat conditions ranging from infections and...

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LaSoy is proudly supported by StrongWeb! Creative Group. Discover more from our creative family at StrongWeb!, Kooihaus, and Pshihoterapeut Kristina Pota Radulović.